Zero Trust IRL

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⚡️ Adapt Faster: Zero Trust IRL

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Zero Trust IRL

I'm an unseen force, felt rather than seen, swiftly lost yet painstakingly constructed. I stand unyielding when all aligns, yet disappear into the void at night's fall.

What am I?


It's a cornerstone in every facet of life, yet it increasingly appears to be in short supply.

The landscape is riddled with shadow games, where vendors, consultants, and clients prioritize self-gain over loyalty and integrity.

Yet, we must resist the temptation to embrace a blanket skepticism, to believe that everyone is always out for themselves. While there may be truth to this in certain scenarios, adopting such a mindset universally is not only unhealthy but could steer us away from genuine connections.

My experiences with broken trust span across various relationships: with vendors, consultants, employees, clients, and partners. Such experiences remind us of our shared human fallibility.

Given the breadth of responsibility, expectations rise accordingly.

A prevalent adage among digital sages rings true:

Your essence is reflected in the company you keep.

The critical focus isn't merely on those across the table but on those right beside you.

Are they allies through thick and thin, or merely passengers waiting to disembark?

I've witnessed enough backroom dealings and quid-pro-quo arrangements to understand that trust is not freely given but meticulously built, like a fortress, brick by brick. In challenging times, the foundation of your circle should be solidarity, not betrayal.

When was the last occasion you evaluated the loyalty of your close circle?

Consider the following "Trust Checklist" as a tool for discerning the integrity of your relationships, both professional and personal:

  • Transparency: Seek the unvarnished truth over a polished façade. Is the entirety of the story shared, or merely the highlights?

  • Mutual Benefit: Do both parties gain equally from the relationship? True partnerships are symbiotic, offering value to both involved.

  • Consistency: Assess the reliability of actions and words. Are they steadfast, or as changeable as the wind?

  • Respect: Fundamental and profound, respect involves acknowledging and honoring each other's boundaries and perspectives.

  • Understanding: Strive for a deep comprehension of each other's positions. Empathy is the linchpin.

  • Support: True support stands unwavering, especially in adversity. It's about being there, genuinely and consistently.

  • Shared Goals: Unity in purpose solidifies bonds. Are your objectives aligned, propelling you in the same direction?

This checklist serves as more than a mere exercise; it's a practical guide for evaluating the robustness of your connections. Be authentic in your assessments and mindful of these principles.

Embracing a Zero Trust policy in real life fosters isolation, not security.

If you’re lacking a trusted partner in IT procurement, hit me up.


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